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Baagas Associated Growers is a consortium for the commercialization of baagas®.

This union aggregates producers based in the coastline of Portugal, between the cities of Porto and Leiria, enabling the production of fruit with great organoleptic quality given the edafoclimatic conditions stimulated by the region’s proximity to the sea, the offer of a wider range of products during a longer period of time, reduction of time between harvest and arrival to the final consumers, greater benefit for producers, clients and consumers.

Our Products



System of Good Agriculture Practices



Portugal, berries, growers, bagas, bayas, baies, beeren, framboesa, raspberry, frambuesa, framboise, himbeeren, mirtilo, blueberry, arandano, myrtille, heidelbeere, groselha, redcurrant, grosella, groseille, johannisbeere, bio, organic
Portugal, berries, growers, bagas, bayas, baies, beeren, framboesa, raspberry, frambuesa, framboise, himbeeren, mirtilo, blueberry, arandano, myrtille, heidelbeere, groselha, redcurrant, grosella, groseille, johannisbeere, bio, organic
Portugal, berries, growers, bagas, bayas, baies, beeren, framboesa, raspberry, frambuesa, framboise, himbeeren, mirtilo, blueberry, arandano, myrtille, heidelbeere, groselha, redcurrant, grosella, groseille, johannisbeere, bio, organic
Portugal, berries, growers, bagas, bayas, baies, beeren, framboesa, raspberry, frambuesa, framboise, himbeeren, mirtilo, blueberry, arandano, myrtille, heidelbeere, groselha, redcurrant, grosella, groseille, johannisbeere, bio, organic
Portugal, berries, growers, bagas, bayas, baies, beeren, framboesa, raspberry, frambuesa, framboise, himbeeren, mirtilo, blueberry, arandano, myrtille, heidelbeere, groselha, redcurrant, grosella, groseille, johannisbeere, bio, organic
Portugal, berries, growers, bagas, bayas, baies, beeren, framboesa, raspberry, frambuesa, framboise, himbeeren, mirtilo, blueberry, arandano, myrtille, heidelbeere, groselha, redcurrant, grosella, groseille, johannisbeere, bio, organic

Annual Production Schedule

Portugal, berries, growers, bagas, bayas, baies, beeren, framboesa, raspberry, frambuesa, framboise, himbeeren, mirtilo, blueberry, arandano, myrtille, heidelbeere, groselha, redcurrant, grosella, groseille, johannisbeere, bio, organic


Cais de São Roque 130, 3800—256 Aveiro Portugal

Telefone +351 234 422 923  Fax +351 234 386 838

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